“Supervision is the formal arrangement that enables an SLT or assistant practitioner to discuss their work regularly with someone who is experienced and qualified. It’s an essential component of a good quality speech and language therapy service that is able to respond to service users, identify and manage risk.” (RCSLT, Information on Supervision, 2017)
intandem supports RCSLT best practice guidance for supervision. We provide individual and group professional supervision and/or individual managerial supervision for a range of professionals of different specialisms and grades working in public and independent, health, education and social care settings
This can take place at the supervisor or supervisee’s base, at a neutral location or via the telephone or videoteleconference
See here for costings
intandem offers a series of supervision training courses for trainee and qualified speech and language therapists and other professionals working in public and independent health, education or social care settings
Contact us for more information