links with UCL

Cathy and Sam work as visiting tutors for final year MSc students. We are also involved in service presentations and clinical vivas, and co-facilitate a half-day module on the following topics:

Living with communication disability: insider accounts
This is a half-day module that aims to increase the students’ understanding of the impact of communication disability in the context of someone’s whole life. It provides the students with the opportunity to listen to people’s stories outside of the role of speech and language therapist and to reflect on the personal impact and how this might inform their practice

Stepping up from student to NQP? Understanding supervision and the importance of self-care

This is a half-day module that aims to increase the students’ understanding of RCSLT best practice guidance in the area of supervision and self-care. It further aims to equip the students with the practical knowledge and confidence to be proactive in accessing regular and appropriate supervision. Consequently, it provides them with an opportunity to reflect on their future supervision and professional support needs as newly qualified therapists.

Contact Carol Sacchett on (Senior Teaching Fellow and Clinical Education Lead, UCL Speech and Language Therapy, Division of Psychology and Language Sciences) for more information