Speech and Language Therapist
South London
Work context/Areas of interest and specialism:
- Independent primary schools (3-11 years)
- Independent practice owner/manager including MDT
- Eleven years’ experience of running an independent therapy practice and managing a clinical caseload alongside. I have offered regular management and professional supervision to my team throughout this time, to newly qualified and experienced therapists and the wider MDT, such as psychologists and OTs
- I have completed all the intandem supervision foundation courses and regularly attend the advanced workshops, particularly those focussing on supervision of supervision
- ASLTIP local group contact for Wandsworth, facilitating regular group meetings, as well as small group reflective supervision practice opportunities
Description of supervision service:
Speech and language therapists ✅
Allied health professionals ✅
NHS workers ✅
Independent practitioners ✅
Social service employees
Education staff ✅
Voluntary sector workers ✅
Newly qualified practitioners ✅
Cross-specialism ✅
Cross-profession ✅
Individual ✅
Paired ✅
Group ✅
Team ✅
Managerial Supervision ✅
Professional Supervision ✅
Supervision of supervision ✅
— supervisor’s base ✅
— supervisee’s base
— neutral location
Telephone: ✅
Video teleconference: ✅
Description of supervision approach:
I offer a client centred non-directive approach to supervision. I recognise our supervision needs change and evolve over time, alongside our experience as therapists. I aim to engage with therapists at the level of support tailored to their needs, whether this be related to specific clinical questions and dilemmas, or a broader, exploratory reflection around an overarching theme or issue. I enjoy working with different professionals and across specialisms and am frequently intrigued by the overlapping and recurring themes that emerge in this work. I can offer both managerial and professional supervision with clear contracting and boundaries tailored to the supervisee’s needs.
I recognise the unique challenges of setting up and working in independent practice and can support therapists to develop the business side of working privately as well as the clinical aspects, and practice management. As a working mother I appreciate the many challenges of juggling work and life commitments and, therefore, value offering working parents a space for reflection, support and restoration.
In practice, I am happy to support supervisees with my own clinical experience and also to provide a confidential space to reflect and discuss wider points of concern around work-related topics and relationships. At the start of each session, we will set a loose agenda and supervisees can bring client work to reflect on or wider work-related concerns and issues to talk through.
Over the years I have experienced first-hand the positive benefits of regular professional supervision, as well as the negative impact of poor or irregular supervision on careers, job satisfaction and work life balance. I continue to receive regular supervision and to develop my own supervisor skills through regular attendance at training and reflective practice sessions with other supervisors.
Contact details:
Phone: 020 8673 7930