Rosanne Tyas


Music Therapist


South West London

Work context/Areas of interest and specialism:

  • I have worked in a variety of clinical fields including children and adults with a learning disability, children with developmental delay and emotional problems, dual diagnosis, mental health and neuro-disability
  • I have a specialism in work in learning disability and neuro disability with associated challenging needs
  • I can offer supervision on workplace dynamics and challenges


  • I have 32 years of experience as a clinical supervisor. I have been on the accredited supervisor music therapy register since 2001
  • I have supervised both music therapists and arts therapists and would be interested in supervising other allied health professionals
  • I have received various trainings over the years including facilitating clinical supervision courses, the intandem courses and an MA module in clinical supervision. The MA module included theoretical study of supervision theories as well as practical techniques

Description of supervision service:


Speech and language therapists ✅
Allied health professionals ✅
NHS workers
Independent practitioners
Social service employees
Education staff
Voluntary sector workers
Newly qualified practitioners ✅
Cross-specialism ✅
Cross-profession ✅


Individual ✅
Paired ✅
Group ✅
Managerial Supervision ✅
Professional Supervision ✅
Supervision of supervision ✅


— supervisor’s base ✅
— supervisee’s base ✅
— neutral location ✅
Telephone: ✅
Video teleconference: ✅

Description of supervision approach:

I have a supportive and empowering approach, encouraging the supervisee to find their own solutions. I offer use of creative elements where appropriate e.g. use of symbols, pictures, objects and instrumental improvisation. I signpost to reading and other resources where required. I have a supervision contract for supervisees/supervisor to adhere to.

Contact details:


Phone: 020 8679 9629

Supervisor register