Claire Farrington-Douglas


Speech and Language Therapist


Brockley, South East London

Work context:

Independent SLT
Bank consultant SLT in neurorehab and outpatients within the NHS
Independent supervisor and coach
Facilitation of study days and team away days


Developing teams, leadership skills for AHPs, communication in teams


Developing clinical skills in the field of acquired brain injury related to speech and language therapy and other disciplines


Specialist neurorehabilitation for people with acquired brain injury that includes their family, friends and wider social context. My clinical specialism is communication for people with brain injury, but this can be extended to communication about all aspects of life and wellbeing for people and indeed communication within teams and services in NHS or care settings. I have experience of supervising people from other clinical areas and am open to developing this aspect of my work further

Clinical experience:

  • I currently work in independent practice with people with ABI and am developing a service running groups for people with acquired communication disorders
  • I’ve been working in the NHS as a consultant SLT in neurorehabilitation and outpatients with 20 years’ experience of working with adults with acquired brain injury in specialist neurorehabilitation, acute neurosciences and outpatient and community settings. I have worked in a leadership role for 13 years navigating complex teamwork, facilitating interdisciplinary working with nurses, therapists and the medical team working jointly together and ensuring staff are well supported through supervision, support and line management
  • I established and co-chaired the inaugural international symposium in CCD in the UK in 2018. Previously chaired Head injury special interest group
  • Previous roles include lecturing and visiting tutor roles at City University and UCL
  • Themes from my clinical experience include:
    • Inpatient interdisciplinary neurorehabilitation with an interest in interdisciplinary goalsetting, effective teamwork and outcome measurement
    • Leadership including setting up of an intensive, comprehensive aphasia programme (ICAP)
    • Expertise with acquired communication disorders particularly aphasia and cognitive-communication disorder. Specialist interventions include video work, group therapy and communication partner training
    • Working with friends and family of people with acquired brain injury
    • Leadership and managing complex teams
    • Experience of change management projects
    • Research and teaching in the area of communication partner training for people with acquired communication disorders and their family and friends
    • Developed creative ways of working with students, including intensive placement model


  • BSc Speech Sciences, 2000
  • MRes Speech, Language and Cognition, 2006
  • Coaching 2-day course
  • Supervision courses 1, 2 and 3 through intandem



Supervision experience

  • Supervision practice for 18 years including supervision of a range of other professionals
  • Experience of facilitating 1:1, paired and group supervision sessions including action learning set approach
  • Have engaged in regular training in supervision and coaching throughout my career
  • Have delivered regular teaching in supervision to SLT and MDT colleagues

Description of supervision service:


Speech and language therapists ✅
Allied health professionals ✅
NHS workers ✅
Independent practitioners ✅
Social service employees ✅
Education staff ✅
Voluntary sector workers ✅
Newly qualified practitioners ✅
Cross-specialism ✅
Cross-profession ✅


Individual ✅
Paired ✅
Group ✅
Team ✅
Managerial Supervision ✅
Professional Supervision ✅
Supervision of supervision ✅


— supervisor’s base ✅
— supervisee’s base ✅
— neutral location ✅
Telephone: ✅
Video teleconference: ✅

Description of supervision approach:

I am passionate about ensuring all AHPs receive good quality supervision throughout their career to enable them to continually develop competence and confidence in their roles whilst ensuring their wellbeing needs are met and they have a positive work-life balance. I have been supervising a range of professionals including SLTs, SLT and rehab assistants, social workers, leisure co-ordinators, volunteers, music therapy students, psychotherapist and a large number of students for 18 years. I have experience of supervising newly qualified practitioners and can deliver a more regular/ hands on approach.

I will spend time exploring your previous experience of supervision and what approaches have worked or not worked previously. We will then agree an approach that would be most useful during this time. My ethos is to facilitate an authentic, open and reflective practice of supervision. I encourage you to bring an agenda to supervision and I use active listening and coaching questions to facilitate you to work through issues and challenges as well as reflect on aspects of your work that you are developing in. I am happy to share my clinical and supervision experience where appropriate and bring learning models for you to consider. With consent from the service user, supervisees have brought examples of their clinical work and their supervision practice for reflection, discussion and deeper learning. I ensure there is time to reflect on the supervision process within and at the end of each session so we can build on the experience together.

I have engaged and will continue to engage in regular self-development in supervision and coaching and am committed to receiving regular supervision myself.

Contact details:

Phone: 07708 791873

Supervisor register