Carolyn Cheasman


Speech & Language Therapist and Mindfulness Teacher


Central and South West London

Work context, areas of interest and specialism:

  • I work at City Lit, an adult education college, and specialise in group therapy with adults who stammer. My approach is based on a stammer-more-fluently model and is also influenced by my training in mindfulness, ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy) and person-centred counselling
  • I am an experienced trainer and contribute to courses for therapists working with adults who stammer as well as teaching on a wide range of more generic training workshops including mindfulness, ACT and counselling skills
  • I offer professional supervision to SLTs working in a range of contexts with a range of client groups. I have also supervised a hearing therapist

Experience, training and membership:

  • BSc (Hons)
  • PgDip Speech and Language Therapy
  • PgDip Teaching Mindfulness
  • Certificate in Person Centred Counselling
  • Training in CBT
  • Training in Personal Construct Psychology

Description of supervision service:


Speech and language therapists ✅
Allied health professionals ✅
NHS workers
Independent practitioners ✅
Social service employees
Education staff
Voluntary sector workers
Newly qualified practitioners
Cross-specialism ✅
Cross-profession ✅


Individual ✅
Paired ✅
Group ✅
Team ✅
Managerial Supervision
Professional Supervision ✅
Supervision of supervision ✅


— supervisor’s base ✅
— supervisee’s base
— neutral location
Telephone: ✅
Video teleconference: ✅

Description of supervision approach:

My approach to supervision is informed by my commitment to a person-centred approach and my training in mindfulness. In my own therapy practice I seek to work with the whole person as opposed to taking an impairment focussed model. I am also influenced by social model thinking as opposed to what can be a dominant medical model narrative. My supervisees set the agenda and whilst I like to focus on process aspects, I am also open to offering some direction and recommendations in relation to task if that seems most helpful for the therapist. This depends on the issues they are bringing and their level of experience. I try to offer an appropriate balance of support and challenge for the person in question. I am open to supervisees bringing topics relating to a range of areas, including: client work, professional relationships, organisation issues, career development and personal issues to the extent that they are impacting on the supervisee’s work life. Whilst my own specialism is adult stammering, I am happy to offer supervision to therapists working with other client groups as I believe that issues relating to change, therapy relationship and process transcend therapy specialisms. I am also open to offering supervision to other health professionals for similar reasons. I do have experience of offering supervision to supervisors and find this another rewarding area of work.

Contact details:

Phone: 020 7492 2578

Supervisor Register