1. Articles:
Supporting Robust Supervision Practice, 2013
Are you getting enough (4 articles), 2008
Client-Centred Goal Negotiation
Whose Goal is it Anyway? (4 articles), 2011
Goal setting – Can the process be empowering?, 1997
The Wolfson Neurorehabilitation Centre Approach, Psychology Press Ltd 1999
Identity Mapping & Project Work(Ylvisaker)
Walking with Dobermanns (2 articles), 2009
3. Client Publications:
Sam’s Tale (Sam Hampson, 2013)
Because I have a voice (St John Harris, 2013)
Book launch raises stammering awareness ( Nico Burgers, 2013)
4. Press:
Richmond & Twickenham Times, Oct 2013 – Waterstones Book Launch